Improving treatment awareness through EHR optimization

More than 90 percent of HCPs use EHRs to manage patient care. For rare disease specialists, EHRs are a particularly important tool to assist with diagnosing uncommon illnesses, creating or modifying complex treatment plans and prescribing medication. To increase productivity and efficiency further, without compromising patient care, some practices use EHR optimization strategies to refine the software to better suit their needs.
At the same time, as HCPs have less available time and rely more on their EHRs, pharmaceutical field reps are seeing a sharp decline in the effectiveness of traditional marketing methods, including advertising and leave-behind resources.
With proper training and insight into the EHR platforms that rare disease specialists use for their daily workflows, your field reps have an exciting opportunity to go above and beyond traditional marketing strategies. Reps with EHR acumen can step into the role of trusted resource by assisting HCPs with EHR optimization strategies that will elevate your brand’s visibility and the likelihood of prescription while pursuing more favorable patient outcomes.
Eliminating friction in prescribing medication
Your product was developed to treat a specific rare condition, but if an HCP isn’t currently treating patients with that diagnosis, how will they remember your product in the future? Providing efficacy data will only take your reps so far with a physician that doesn’t have a list of strong candidates for your drug therapy.
By training your pharmaceutical marketing team on how to leverage the functions and features of the EHRs that rare disease specialists use, they can offer guidance that empowers HCPs to get more from their platforms. Your team can offer EHR optimization strategies that increase HCP workflow efficiency and improve patient outcomes while elevating the visibility of your product.
- Show HCPs how to leverage diagnostic tools. Patients with rare diseases may present challenging symptoms that could take years to correctly diagnose. Using the EHR to sort by diagnostic criteria can help an HCP reach the correct diagnosis more quickly and prescribe an effective treatment to the patient without those delays.
- Create patient lists to identify candidates for treatment. Many of the EHRs used by rare disease specialists can create patient lists that identify people who may be a suitable candidate for a specific treatment, including your product.
- Connect future patients with proper treatment. Even when the HCP doesn’t currently have patients diagnosed with the condition your product treats, your field reps can show them how to optimize the EHR with clinical decision alerts based on demographic or diagnostic criteria.
When your field reps empower HCPs with added knowledge and insight into EHR optimization strategies, they are seen as a trusted resource, rather than just a product rep. Not only are they streamlining the path to prescribing your products, they also help the HCP achieve better results for both their practice and their patients.
Using EHRconnect to gain EHR insight
Adapting to the shifts in how rare disease specialists treat patients and prescribe medications is essential to finding success in the new digital landscape. By understanding the functions and features of the platform, your field reps will communicate more effectively with HCPs, helping them create EHR optimization strategies that streamline care while eliminating obstacles to prescribing your product.
EHRconnect provides you with comprehensive training and insight into the most popular EHR platforms that rare disease specialists are using and offers your team:
- Improved insight into how rare disease specialists use EHRs to provide better care to their patients
- Tangible knowledge of the EHR’s workflows and platform, and how that functionality may be blocking the HCP’s ability to prescribe your product
- A mutually beneficial partnership with the HCP, wherein your field team can educate the HCP on ways to leverage features of the EHR while improving the prescription rate for products used to treat rare diseases
- The opportunity to provide solutions that position you as a trusted resource to the practice
Right now, your team likely struggles to overcome the objections HCPs have about prescribing your product. With EHRconnect, you’ll have the confidence and knowledge necessary to provide solutions to their concerns using EHR-specific terminology and giving them the tools needed to place your brand in a favorable position.
Use EHRconnect to improve outcomes with rare disease specialists
When your field reps are working to increase visibility for a medication that is only used to treat rare diseases, they’re at a particular disadvantage when HCPs don’t see it within their EHR. However, EHRconnect can give you the advantage you need with in-depth knowledge and EHR optimization strategies that are specific to rare disease specialists so you can:
- Increase brand visibility
- Eliminate obstacles for physicians to prescribe your product
- Target patients who will benefit from your product
- Create alerts for physicians when your medication is applicable to the diagnosis
- Assist in creating workflows that facilitate necessary solutions during the moment of care
Through tiered e-learning, live training from experienced consultants, and a comprehensive resource library customized to your brand, EHRconnect allows your pharmaceutical marketing team to meet HCPs where they are, elevating your brand strategy and market position.
Let’s get started.